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Team Care and Friendship Everyday (CAFE) · 2020

Fouro is an iOS/Android application that allows you to share virtual hugs with friends and feel close and connected to others. Fouro will help remind you to reach out to friends you haven't connected with in a while as well as serve as a platform to share and store memories together. Send and receive hugs with friends and stay socially connected to loved ones around you!

the story
During the COVID-19 pandemic, our project team was inspired by a quote from psychologist Virginia Satir: "We need 4 hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth." In 10 weeks, we created Fouro, a social media platform for sharing Hugs with friends and family during a time of physical distancing. Developed in React Native with Firebase and ExpressJs, I led our Backend development team, designed our database schema, and guided fullstack integration. Fouro was created in UCSD CSE 110.

Source Code:

Team Care and Friendship Everyday (CAFE):
Alana Klopstein - Project Manager
Alex Chow - Software Dev Lead
Eman Sherif - Software Architect
Evan Serrano - Business Analyst
Evan Suong - Frontend Team Lead, UI Specialist
Rickesh Khilnani - Senior System Analyst
Terry Feng - Backend Team Lead, DB Specialist
Tyus Liu - Software Dev Lead
Vicki Chen - Quality Assurance Lead
Vivian Tang - Quality Assurance Lead
Vuk Radovanovic - Algorithm Specialist